Welcome to Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Dynamics Group in ZJU!
202412 Happy New Year and H B Guohua
202411 Fall trip and H B, Cheng, Yangyi ,Ziyun
202408 H B, Yaoyao, Haixin and Sure
202403 Welcome back, Liu and H B, Yuhang and Xue
202312 Autumn trip
202311 H B, Yangyi, Cheng, Lei
202308 Welcome new kids and H B, Shuo
202307 H B, YaoMei & Haixin
202306 farewell and good luck
202305 H B, Dr. Liu
202301 H B to ShuangZiGe, Guohua and Tianjing
202210 H B to KunKun and Cheng
202208 H B to Jiting & Welcome New Kids
202208 H B to Dudu & Welcome Dr. Lou
202207 H B to Yaoyao & Jiaru
202206 Farewell and Good Luck
202202 H B to ZengGe
202201 H B to Tianjing and Happy Semester Ending
202109 H B to CiCi
202107 Ultrafast Spectroscopy Confer. in Qingdao
202107 H B to Yao & Jiaru
202106 Farewell & GoodLuck to Yujie, Cheng & Diya
202105 H B to Yuzhong & Dr. Liu
202011 莫干山秋游
20200910 Gifts from lovely students
202008 H B to Yujie
202006 Graduate season! Best of Luck to all!
191217 Department New Year Show
201906 USD11 at Qiandao Lake
190605 Congratulations, Zhaoliang, Wei and Linglin
201904 课题组毅行爬山
201807 Farewell and best of luck, Yizheng
201709 H B to Wei, Min & Hongzhi
20170909 First gifts from lovely groupmembers
20170701 Farewell to Yuqian!
20170427 H B, Yizheng!
20170408 缥缈毅行
20161211 新加坡 SICC9会议
20161102 生日Party
20160721 法国巴黎 DCP会议